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Sidney Faccioli Bueno

"Since I was young, I have been an observant person with a quick mindset and thinking. Over the years, I have actively participated in volunteer roles in online groups and organizations. During these experiences, I have identified countless opportunities to enhance codes and improve our products or processes, increasing thus the satisfaction of users and customers.My journey took me to the role of Deputy Director on an online server, hosting an average of 22,000 simultaneous players.

Throughout my studies in Computer Science, I deepened my passion for technology. In a Project Management course, I further improved the skills I had been developing, consolidating my decision to pursue a career in this area. My goal is to implement improvements, from the simplest to the most complex, promoting positive collaboration between team members and investors. This journey challenges the perception that improvements require a high cost.

In the companies I have collaborated with, I have consistently shared my projects and suggestions, receiving recognition through awards and from my peers. 

Tech Process and Project Analyst

Main differences.

Objective in Financial Economics

Versatile Employee and Ready for Different Needs

Processes are always clear and well defined 

Computer Scientist with extensive knowledge in technology

High analytical capacity, identifying and avoiding failures in new projects

Futuristic idealization in linking the satisfaction of the company and employees.

Customers and Experiences



Projects to optimize operational flows and implement international systemic improvements, conducted within the company's software, were carefully developed and approved by Product's Business Partners. All of these projects resulted in notable achievements, fully meeting the expectations of all Stakeholders involved.

SpotBous Award.


Authorized Technical Assistance.

Development of a remote service flow.

Introduction of new automated channels to simplify your administration. This resulted in a reduction in waiting times, improving both service and customer satisfaction.



Online game server.

Development and management of new service models, promoting and providing guidance on best practices for effective communication. We achieve high levels of satisfaction among employees and customers of all age groups, resulting in greater transparency in our processes. This model fully incorporates social perception and analysis of different age groups.

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Developed by Sidney Faccioli Bueno

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